Friday, September 18, 2015

Crystal Gem: Larimar Information(WIP)

Backstory: Sodalite was a Librarian, keeping all of Homeworld’s knowledge and enabling other Gems to access and gain information on whatever topic they inquired about and Moonstone helped introduce Kindergarten Gems to the ideals of Homeworld and Gem life.  Both were deeply in love with one another. They secretly fused to become Larimar often as they felt most complete doing so and this was the form in which they felt most at peace with themselves. Once this secret was found out by the Homeworld authorities, they were punished while still in the fusion of Larimar.  As punishment, they took away Moonstone’s compassion and caring nature while amplifying the cooler, logical Sodalite’s personality, then twisting it to become as cold as ice. They were turned into a killing machine to be used for the purpose of quickly wiping out the native species of planets and enslaving them so they could use the planet for more Kindergartens. 

One day, she was travelling to another planet and accidentally ended up on Earth, where she crashed at such force it ended up giving her amnesia and in a way interrupted her programming. When she is found by a family on some sort of trip or vacation, she can only remember her name, Larimar.  This family decided to take her in despite her alien appearance. As a result of her gem physiology and her amnesia, she cannot shapeshift an internal digestive system to eat. As a result, while she does have interest in human behaviours and mannerisms, she can’t participate in all of them, like eating. She also gained the habit of changing clothes. This habit decreases substantially once Larimar gets her memory back.

Now, I have yet to still figure out the details of when and how she meets the Crystal Gems and Steven, but it will come. But I do know she parts with her adoptive family to stay with them. But she still retains many of her human mannerisms. Eventually she does get her memory back, and with Steven's help and love, comes to terms with the bad that she did and aims for redemption by helping out the Crystal Gems and saving the world. The interruption to her programming is one of the factors that helped her to ultimately break it.  (Her power that she gained from the tiara/diadem/crown goes back to more normal levels) She ends up becoming more powerful as a result of this. Pre-amnesia, she may have been "powerful" but she wasn't complete.

She has had some nightmares of the atrocities she has committed when in her programmed state. Sometimes she’ll go into autopilot and even bring out her weapon while half-asleep. One time she had a nightmare of killing her adoptive family, the people she cares about and Steven, which is so vivid and violent, she almost hurt Steven in the process. 

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